Use What You Already Have

It is easier and cheaper to sell to customer who already bought from you.

Growth and improvement must not necessarily mean that you need to get something new. New partnership, skill, space, tools. Before you do, think about what you already have.

As our operations and e-shop grew we had all our storages full.
So we rented another storage.
It was like 200$ a month and helped us to store a lot of stuff.
After couple months it became clear that it is not more space we need.
It is better utilization of our current space. So I cancelled the extra storage and we decided to find space in our current place. And we did.
And then as we grew we found some more.
Now with twice as much business we still don’t need extra storage.

The other day, two of my people spent good one day preparing new recipes for our corporate cooking programs.
Good initiative. Thing is, recently we released Chefparade cooking book.
58 great recipes with superb pictures for every step.
Instantly ready for use. No extra work needed.

Same works for you as person.
Did you fully utilise potential in you that you already have?
Did you get most out of your strengths?

Use what you already have to the fullest.
It is easier, cheaper and readily available.

Related posts: To Do or Not To Do

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