The Most Important Question Of Your Life

I’ve been writing this blog for almost two years. Many times I want to write about something but can’t find proper way how to put it in words. There are ideas in my head but I can’t transform them into blog post. Now and then I find that somebody already did it. As if someone would take my ideas and write them down. Write them down so much better as I would ever do. Here’s one example. Enjoy it.

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Ultimate Guide to Firing And Hiring People

Hiring and firing is one of the key responsibilities of a manager. For startup founder, good hiring and quick firing is key to success.

Looking back at all people I have fired over the years, the only thing that comes to my mind is – I should have done it earlier. Some of them not even hire, but with all of them I have never regretted firing them.

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Company Culture – Why and How?

Couple weeks ago I had lunch with a entrepreneur friend from London who was visiting Prague for couple days. After 2 hours of great conversations I apologised myself that I have to leave. She was surprised when I explained that our cleaning lady leaves for vacation so we have all company meeting. Why did we do it? Was it at all necessary? Is this really such a big thing?

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Should I Quit My Job Or Should I Stay?

Should I quit my job? This is question I am getting often from my employed friends.  There is no simple and right answer.  I could tell them typical bullshit of these days – “sure, quit, find your passion and do what you love” but I don’t believe this would solve their problem.

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Building Company Without Managers

On Monday I am flying back to Prague after spending almost 3 months in my beloved Melbourne with my family. People ask me when we start to talk about my company – “who is now running it while you’re here?”

Nobody I say (which is true) – we don’t have any managers in our company.

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4 Easy Ways How To Make Your Employees Think

Thinking is one of the most difficult things to do – that’s why so few people do it. Most employees think that their job is to do things and managers / founders job is to think. If you want to have time and mental energy for important things you need to teach your employees how to think, otherwise you will be buried under all thinking you need to do for them. Here are 4 easy ways how to make your employees think.

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Setting Expectations for Employees

Setting expectations for employees is one of the most important tasks for a manager. Without clear expectations you can’t evaluate employees and also they will not know what is expected of them and how do they do in their job.

Expectations must be clear and well communicated. Ideally they are in written form so there is no misunderstanding. The more specific the better.

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