What Books Should I Start With

I am known as passionate reader of business and self-development books.
Over last 10 years I have read or listened to more than 500 books.
Not counting thousands of articles, blog posts, you tube videos and lectures.
Often I receive question about books to start with.

Start with motivational / inspiration books.
Something that will make you want to do things, change and work on yourself.
Then I would move on to books about vision/mission/goals.
Stage 3 would be books on being effective.

After that it is mix of more motivation plus best books from your chosen field, be it leadership, sales, marketing etc.

This follows simple logic.
First you need to be, than you can do and only then you can have.
Part of building “to be” are books on vision/mission.
That is the foundation of true success.

Motivational / inspiration books you should read / listen to all the time.
As Zig Ziglar says: “motivation is like shower, it doesn’t last, that’s why we recommend it daily”.

Here is my list of recommended books to start with:
Zig Ziglar: Over the Top (I prefer audio book)
Jim Rohn: Best Life Ever (you tube it)
Napoleon Hill: Think and Grow Rich

Stephen Covey: 7 Habbits of Highly Effective People
Brian Tracy: Eat That Frog
Brian Tracy: Goals

Enjoy reading!

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